Skyborne Technologies

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Sparking the next phase

Skyborne Technologies is excited to announce that we're one of the recipients for the Advance Queensland Ignite Funding!

This grant will allow us to improve the Cerberus GL, our tactical UAV, for the Defence industry with the ability to provide platoon level support. The Cerberus is a ground-breaking tri-tilt-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. It has unmatched hover capability because it can tilt its body up and down at any angle, enabling larger and more complex payloads (such as cameras and delivery systems) to be pointed without requiring a complex camera gimbal. 

The team at Skyborne has been working tirelessly on the Cerberus and all of their efforts will go towards bringing the next level of hardware innovation in the aerospace sector to businesses requiring these solutions now. Thank you to all of our supporters and for sharing our vision of start-up businesses innovating great technology with partners all over the world.

Hats off to a great team, and here's to even bigger achievements in the coming months. 


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