Skyborne Technologies

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Skyborne at Army Innovation Day 2018

Skyborne was very pleased to be selected to display and pitch at Army Innovation Day 2018. We had a fantastic audience, including Chief of Army Lt Gen Rick Burr, Head of Land Capability Maj Gen Kathryn Toohey, head of SUAS Lt Col Keirin Joyce and Australian tech investor Steve Baxter. 

Army Innovation Day 2018 included a short-cycle nomination, selection and demonstration for three themes. Skyborne submitted Cerberus GL under the Robotics and Autonomous Systems in the Combat Team theme. We were amongst 19 companies and 24 technologies selected to demonstrate capability.

Major General Toohey spoke at the conclusion of the day: "We have seen robotics and autonomous systems that improve a combat team’s engagement, various techniques for improving communications systems, and learnt of new examples of small drones that assist soldiers in having increased situational awareness."

Army will now engage in an assessment process to fund selected demonstrations that will proceed to user evaluations in Army units. More to come!