Reimagined weapons, specifically designed for UxV applications

Conventional weapons systems are designed for human-held operation. Skyborne’s UxV Weapon Payloads are integrated onto unmanned vehicles (UxV), like the Cerberus MI UAV and other UxV systems (UAV, UGV, Q-UGV), to provide a remote weapon system capability with standard ammunition from robotic agents.

Designed and assembled in-house at Skyborne, these UxV weapon payloads allow electronic firing, minimise weight and allows operators to select rounds remotely.

Skyborne Fire Controller

Firing pin is misaligned with round until armed, plus Electronic Safe, Arm, and Fire and software protections

Simple UxV Integration

Supply unregulated power and RS422 communications

Servo operated chambers

For round selection during operation

Versatile round loading

Load different standard ammunition types for the same mission (lethal or non-lethal)

Technical Specifications


Weight, unloaded 2.17kg 1.6kg Carbon Chambers / 2.3kg Aluminium Chambers
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 501 x 113 x 127 mm 482 x 131 x 136 mm
Ammunition Type 10 rounds - 12 gauge 5 rounds - 40mm (up to 134mm length)
Ingress Protection (IP) Rating IP67

Skyborne Fire Controller (SFC)

Weight 0.9kg Aluminium
Dimensions 135 x 135 x 52 mm
Supply Voltage 15V min - 80V max

Expression of Interest

If you would like to learn more about the UxV Weapons, please get in touch.